Wednesday, July 6, 2011

You know, in 2008  I experienced some pretty heavy trials. In July 2008 a great friend of mine committed suicide. Less than a month later, I ended a 4 year dating relationship. I was on an emotional train wreck. I gained about 30lbs in a matter of 12 months while grieving 2 major losses.

In 2009 I decided to focus on spiritual life. I left a church at the close of 2007. After experiencing such traumatic loss in 2008, I quit my search for a church. So in Jan 2009 I visited a church down the road from my place and have been pretty active in the church since. In 2010, I decided to focus of my physical life. I started to get healthy and in a matter of 8 months I lost 50lbs and 6 sizes. Yes, I'm happy to report that I went from a size 20 to a size 14. I can bowl 3 games without getting tired & wearing out my bicep. I can  hike to the top of Crabtree fall again. I can "doggy paddle" multiple laps in the pool and it's refreshing instead of killing my muscles. And most importantly, I can take the stairwell at work in my 3" high heels without losing my breath. I have my life back. In 2011, I decided to work on my financial life since it is in SHAMBLES. I quit using my credit cards in Oct 2010 and I have promised myself to live on cash. It's the beginning of July & thus far I'm living on cash. Praise the Lord. But you know, I didn't realize how much focusing on my financial life would shape up my spiritual life. I realized that I didn't trust God with my money. I realized that I didn't trust God with a lot of stuff. I never noticed how much I guarded my money before. I started tithing again and somehow managed to pay all of my bills and groceries. This is just the beginning, but my relationship with God is really strengthening. I think that I can actually say I trust God! That's a major leap.

Ok, so 2 lessons I've been learning while handing over my money to God- patience & self control. And these qualities extend further than the wallet.


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